Join industry experts to learn how Quality Management System requirements have evolved to meet today's new era of increasingly stringent quality demands. You'll learn the key drivers in quality and supply chain management today and how those impact a QMS solution’s ability to deliver better business outcomes. You'll hear case study examples and learn how the new ETQ Reliance 2019 makes it easier than ever to build optimal, comprehensive and integrated quality programs that deliver a competitive advantage and ensure a strong brand reputation.
Speakers:Morgan Palmer, Chief Technology Officer, ETQ
Morgan Palmer has been at the forefront of quality management technology for more than 20 years. As the technical architect for ETQ, Morgan drives innovation across the ETQ product line to build and enhance quality applications that drive clear business value. Glen Fraser, Senior Director Solution Architects, ETQ
Glen Fraser has worked in software technology for over 30 years, 20 of those with ETQ. Glen helps organizations achieve operational excellence.