vertical farming

ETQ Reliance Helps Promote Food Safety, Higher Crop Yield, and Improved Compliance for Vertical Farming Venture

For many, vertical farming represents the future of agriculture. This method of farming makes use of the tall and narrow urban footprint to produce vast amounts of food while using 95% less water and 99% less land than traditional farms. This sealed growing environment keeps contaminants and pests from the outside world out and lends itself to an extremely high degree of traceability.

Their challenge has been to effectively utilize the wealth of data that their facilities generate. the company needed to adopt a solution that could centralize its data, improve their audit readiness and reporting, and allow them to audit their supply chain. Due to their efficiency ethos, they preferred a single solution that could be adopted rapidly while covering many bases.

Download this case study to learn: 

  • How this vertical farming company began its implementation of ETQ Reliance 
  • The drastic time savings the company is seeing when it comes to audits
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