
Beyond the Surface: Visible & Hidden Costs of Quality  

The cost of poor quality can consume up to 20% of your total revenue, with hidden costs outpacing visible ones by up to four times. It’s time to take control and not let avoidable costs slowly wear down your organization’s value. 

Download "Visible and Hidden Costs of Quality" to learn: 

  • How to better understand quality cost and quantify the expense of scrap, rework and/or recalls that lead to the cost of poor quality with the formula: Cost of Quality = Cost of Good Quality + Cost of Poor Quality
  • Why a comprehensive quality management system is crucial to eliminating bottlenecks and avoiding issues, including late deliveries, lost sales, supplier issues and reduced customer loyalty.
  • How companies like Lumileds cut its eQMS technology footprint by 35% and trimmed about $700,000 per year in operating costs for QMS. 

Don't let inefficiencies impact your bottom line. Start reducing the cost of poor quality today.

Download the Guide